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Energetic Healing Therapies For Pets

Susan Trottier
Sheila Trecartin

October 3, 2009
Beeton, Ontario - Rotary Hall

Curious about alternative therapies for pets?
Confused about how energetic therapies can help?
Feeling at a loss of how to help your beloved pet without toxic medication?
Tried everything the vet has offered without any results?
At a loss with your pets behavioural issues?
Facing emotional issues with your pets and don't know where to turn?
Looking for ways to compliment and enhance your pet's current allopathic treatment?

This workshop is just the thing for you!!



Susan and Sheila will enlighten you with an interactive and informative understanding of energetic healing modalities for pets. You will learn about each modality and how they can assist in bettering your animal's lives with non-evasive techniques. They will discuss ways that you can implement these tools into your every day life so that you can help your pets more effectively. Demos will be presented and you will experience alternative therapies first hand that will improve health issues, behavioural concerns and emotional blocks. In addition they will walk you through a helpful discussion about finding a proper holistic therapist (what to look for and where to look).

Whether you are battling allergies, pain, emotions, destructive behaviours or looking for training tools, this workshop will bring you the answers you have been searching for.

The following energetic healing topics will be covered:

Reiki and energy transference/healing
Colour Therapy
Vibrational Essences
Holistic Laser Therapy
Animal Communication
Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)
Open the door to a new understanding of how these modalities can help you and your pet improve the quality of your lives.


Susan Trottier

Susan is a graduate of the Holistic Health Practitioner Program at Transformational Arts College in Toronto. She brings years of group studies and workshops together to provide a holistic approach to health care that is both preventative and complimentary to conventional medicine while being appropriate and interchangeable for people and animals alike. Susan also works on an individaul basis as a Spiritual Counselor to help her clients bring about a higher level of personal peace by tapping into their inner wisdom and sense of self often resulting in a life changing experience. Susan believes that we are all spiritually guided according to divine timing and she strives to provide compassionate, non-judgmental support to her clients to work synergistically on all areas of the body – the physical and the energetic – Mind, Body, and Spirit.

Sheila Trecartin, RP CRA, C.R.H.P.

Sheila is a renowned animal communicator, Certified Reflexologist (registered with the Canadian Examining Board) and a Reiki Master /Teacher (registered with the Canadian Reiki Association). She offers her services to human as well as animal clients. Sheila became interested in the holistic field at a very young age. Showing early signs of many holistic abilities, she has learned greatly through her own life experience. She has been practicing in the holistic field for over 20 years. In addition to Animal Communication, Reflexology and Reiki, her prolific portfolio also includes: ear candling, crystal healing, vibrational essences, colour therapy, chakras balancing, meditation, pendulum healing, dowsing, past life regression, and holistic laser therapy.

Even though she enjoys all modalities she feels the most gratification helping her animal friends express their needs, wants, feelings and thoughts. She considers it an honour to be a communication bridge between pets and their owners.

Sheila has traveled extensively teaching and offering animal communication all over the world. Her travels include many parts of the states and as far away as South Africa.
Her talents have been showcased in many varieties of media including; T.V. radio and newsprint.
Sheila offers a great deal of support to her community through her continuous years of volunteer service for Candlelighters (a support group for families of children with cancer). She is also active in The Pediatric Oncology Group of Ontario parent group, The H.E.L.L.P. society, and The Canadian Reiki Association.
It is Sheila’s hope that she may assist in the growth and healing of others through her knowledge, gifts, and experiences.

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